[testimonial category=”users” style=”grid2″ limit=”4″]
Month: January 2017
[timeline category=”showerPi” order=”DESC” limit=”10″ use_original_dimensions=”yes”]
What to get?
If you are serious about building your own Shower safe voice recorder, there are a few you things you’ll need in advance. Let’s have a look at a few:
The things (you’ll need):
But, why?
Ah, yes. Reasoning. We all need a good reason don’t we?
ShowerPi is exactly the project for you if you answered “yes” to at least two of the following two questions:
- Do you often have “Ah Ha!” moments in the shower, where you find exactly the tune you want to compose (and you are not even a composer), the opening sentence you want to say at the next event, and the start up company idea that’s going to be worth millions of cancer curing hunger busting money making, emm. things. Only to be forgotten the minute you step out of the holy of holies.
- You bought a Raspberry Pi (or similar) board, but have no idea what else to with it other than streaming video.
With ShowerPi – You will have a great making project, and you will end up never forgetting a shower thought ever again in your life.
What is that?
So, what is it?
ShowerPi is a Raspberry Pi based voice recorder you can take to the shower.
Yes, it’s awesome!
Okay. What can it do?
Once on, you can press the single command button on the device. That will trigger a series of events, resulting in the showerPi recording everything you say (or sing) for the next 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, the showerPi sends the recording to your email for you to enjoy at a drier point of time.
An optional addon is to link your email with a Voice to Text service to add a textual layer to your message where applicable.